* Click here for full list of NAMI Feb 2016 news items! *
Movies In 2015 That Showcased Mental Health
Getting pumped for the Oscars on Sunday? Here are a few movies from 2015 that exemplified what it’s like to live with a mental health condition.
Monthly Media Watch: Politics, Language And Stigma
Perhaps one bright spot in February—believe it or not—is that mental health has factored at least to some degree in the ongoing presidential campaigns.
The Power Of Personal Stories
Do you find it challenging to open up to others about your mental health? Here are the reasons why sharing your story can benefit you and others.
Sharing And Spreading Hope In The African American Community
Mental health awareness in the African American community has been gaining traction nationwide. Hopefully, it will continue to do so as more people share their personal stories, participate in programs such as Sharing Hope and reach out to their community members about mental health.
– See more at: http://www.nami.org/Blogs/NAMI-Blog/February-2016#sthash.Cmys4Dct.dpuf