More Ways to Donate

Be creative! Below are more concepts for helping NAMI CCNS

  1. IN HONOR or IN MEMORIAM of someone you love – What a beautiful and meaningful way to recognize your connection to someone special.
  2. BIRTHDAY donations to NAMI CCNS in lieu of birthday gifts. Celebrate a birthday, anniversary or special day by asking your friends to make a donation to NAMI CCNS.
  3. MATCHING GIFTS – Many employers will match gifts made to 501(c)(3) organizations. Check with your HR department to see if this doubling (or tripling) of your donation is possible.
  4. SPECIAL OCCASION? A gathering of friends or neighbors? Workplace? Ask one of our talented speakers into your home to talk to your guests about what we do. Be a personal “fund” or “friend-raiser” for NAMI CCNS. This can be a moving and poignant experience for you and your guests.
  5. IN-KIND GIVING: If you have THINGS or SERVICES we need that you’d like to donate or purchase for us, we’d be delighted. Please don’t hesitate to ask how you can help!


See Also:

Donate to NAMI CCNS (main page)
Event Calendar


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