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The Illinois Department of Human Services [IL DHS], Division of Mental Health [DMH] with assistance from the University of Illinois at Chicago’s [UIC] Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy [CMHSRP] has created an Illinois Individual Placement and Support/Supported Employment [IPS/SE] Web Portal as a one-stop source on IPS/Supported Employment for Illinois citizens with psychiatric disabilities, their employers, their family members, service providers, and other Illinois citizens who would like to learn more about IPS.
The Illinois IPS Web Portal offers information about IPS, employment tools, IPS news, success stories, and much more on ALL aspects of IPS. Our Web Portal, titled “Pathways to Employment – Putting Illinois to Work” is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA] and is one direct result of our Illinois SAMHSA Transformational Mental Health Grant for Employment.
Here is the link to the Illinois IPS web portal:
The Division of Mental Health would like to thank the University of Illinois at Chicago’s [UIC] Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy [CMHSRP] and the IPS Training Subcommittee of the Supported Employment Coordinating Committee [SECC] for all the time and effort in completing the IPS Web Portal.