In any given year, about 14 million adults in the U.S. will experience Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD can develop after any traumatic event, including combat, hurricanes, earthquakes or experiences like mass shootings, assaults or even car accidents. However, despite how common this condition is, treatment-seeking is low.
That’s why we’re honored to partner with Google again to bring another screening questionnaire—often a crucial step toward getting proper diagnosis and treatment—into your hands.
Now when you search for “Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,” “PTSD” or related queries on Google on mobile, you’ll see a Knowledge Panel that will give you the option to tap “check if you may have PTSD”, which will bring you to PC-PTSD-5, a clinically validated screening questionnaire to assess your likelihood of having the condition.
Click here to go Google’s blog, where you can read more about this important new feature.